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Object-Oriented Content Storage and Document Formatting

DML2 is an object-oriented content storage and document formatting framework. Using a fairly simple, object-oriented language and a few templates, generating different types of media from the same source content is made easy. This tool has been obsoleted by XSLT.

Development: DML2 v0.9b Released!

Last Modified: 2002-07-26T07:00Z

After quite a bit of my time over the last couple of weeks, DML2 v0.9b has now been released! I originally thought that DML2 would be a bit slower than its predecessor, DML, but by some recent tests I've run, not only does DML2 have way more features than DML, it's also quite a bit faster! I'm still not sure how this happened, but it's pretty neat.

In case you didn't know, DML2 is an object-oriented content storage and document formatting system that is especially helpful for web designers that like to use a text editor. It allows content to be separated from structure and presentation, meaning that a complete redesign requires only changing 1 file (that is probably only 100 lines long, or so) and executing 1 command. I plan on using DML2 to redesign DeZine (I'm not too happy with its current look).

By the way, DML2 is an opensource project and it's entire source tree may be downloaded, modified, and distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. I have made distributions available for Windows and i386 Linux, but variants of UNIX on strange architectures will probably work.

If you've got some suggestions about DML2, be sure to email me!